Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant? Let me explain…

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant? Let me explain…

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant? Let me explain… 

While we now seem to feel it’s a sensible next step for men to start having babies on our gender polymorphic planet. 

In some surly defined way, this actually already happened all the way back in 1994. Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant? Well kinda… 

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant Holding The Baby

Arnold Schwarzenegger was the first man to endure the 9 months pregnancy typical of billions of child rearing women, at least on screen. We all know Hollywood knows no bounds, and in 1994 Danny Devito proved that big time with his smash hit movie “Junior”.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant Oh Junior

Get your popcorn ready because your in for quite a ride. This is the popular Comedy Romance which brought Arnie delectably from Action hero to Comedy hero, as much of a gamble as this undeniably was at the time for Arnie and his impressive career as The action star, he took a leap of faith and somehow made the cut. From then on toggling in and out of comedy and action in a way never before enjoyed. Legend.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant Just Checking

Legendary as the thought may or may not have been that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the first man pregnant, this movie really is a must see for all believers and naysayers in this wildly blown open minded world we now find ourselves in.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant Really
Ahead of it’s time? well you can decide for yourselves. Here is Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant in Danny Devitos 1994 Comedy Romance spectacular, “Junior”, Enjoy…
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Arnold Schwarzenegger Pregnant Junior VHS"If I carry this baby to term it will be a miracle. I would love, protect and nurture that miracle with everything I have in me."
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